Child Abduction Solicitors

Child Abduction Solicitors

When child abduction occurs, it can be overwhelming and terrifying, especially if it is your child who has been abducted by their other parent or guardian. Child abduction has many complicated legal facets, so it is recommended to consult with an experienced solicitor when faced with this issue.

Taking action quickly is crucial when it comes to child abduction, our solicitors are here to guide you through the important next steps to have the best possible chance of your child returning to your care. Our experienced team has extensive knowledge of both local and international child abduction cases, so we know exactly what to do and the correct process to take in these stressful situations.

There are three legal categories related to child abduction: abduction, wrongful retention and the threat of abduction. Our solicitors have specialised experience in each category and will thoroughly assess your situation to determine what options are available to you. 

At Watkins, we take a personalised approach to each case, supporting you closely through whatever legal process you are going through whilst providing practical, tailored advice for your specific situation.

Contact our child abduction solicitors

Our empathetic child abduction solicitors will treat your case with the utmost sensitivity and compassion, to speak to one of our team you can call our head office on 0117 939 0350 or email us at

Alternatively, you can contact our solicitors directly by emailing Sheldon Price at or Andy Kerese at

Our child abduction services

Domestic child abduction

Domestic child abduction cases typically involve a child being taken from the area where they live to another part of the UK, for example, if the child lived in South England and was moved to live in the North East.

There are steps that can be taken to stop your child from being abducted. Our solicitors specialising in child abduction can help you obtain a Child Arrangement Order which clearly outlines where the child is to live and what family members they will have contact with and when. We can also work with you to obtain a Prohibited Steps Order or a Port Alert which legally prohibits a child from being relocated.

We have worked with many clients on cases like this and have a deep understanding of how upsetting it can be to have your child relocated without your permission. Our child abduction solicitors will do everything in their power to secure your child’s safety, should you have fears that they will be abducted or if it has already happened.

In emergencies, our team will work quickly to secure an emergency order from the court to prevent your child from being abducted or make sure that the child is swiftly returned to your care.

There are different legal systems in place should your child be moved to Northern Ireland or Scotland; however, we have solicitors with special knowledge of these legalities who will be able to advise on your case.

International child abduction

When international child abduction occurs, it can be incredibly complex to resolve. Our solicitors at Watkins have a wealth of expertise in this area and will be by your side at every step of the process, both in terms of taking steps to prevent international child abduction and recovering a child who has been abducted internationally.

Our team are trained and up to date on the latest international protocols and have experience working with foreign authorities to aid in bringing your child back home. For countries that are signed up to the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, we can apply on your behalf, as well as contact the local authorities in whichever country your child has been moved to.

We are also able to contact the relevant authorities in situations where you are concerned about the potential of your child being abducted and moved abroad.

Why choose Watkins?

At Watkins Solicitors, we take a personalised approach to each case. We understand how distressing having your child abducted can be, so we provide clear and practical advice tailored towards your particular situation. Our client’s well-being is our top priority, and we will work diligently toward getting your child returned to you. We will handle any paperwork that needs completing and liaising with the relevant authorities, whilst keeping you informed throughout the entire process.

Frequently asked questions

What is child abduction?

Child abduction refers to the removal of a child from where they normally live without the consent or permission of a parent or guardian. This act can be committed by the other parent or another family member, as well as a friend of the family or by a stranger. There are three categories related to child abduction: abduction, wrongful retention and the threat of abduction.

The legalities surrounding what is considered a crime when it comes to child abduction are complex, if it is committed by a parent or someone who has responsibility for the child then it is often not considered a criminal offence, however, this can vary depending on the circumstances. This also does not take away from the emotional stress that it can cause for the parent, the child and everyone involved.

What is international child abduction?

International child abduction refers to the abduction of a child through international borders, for example, if a child who lives in the UK were to be removed from the UK without a parent’s consent and taken to France. International abduction becomes a lot more complex due to the distance and different protocols in place for when abduction occurs. Often, authorities from each country will have to work in tandem to recover the child, which can make these situations even more complicated.

When should I contact a child abduction solicitor?

If you have concerns about your child potentially being abducted, you should contact a child abduction solicitor immediately. They will then be able to work with you to put in legal protections to stop your child from being abducted (such as a Child Arrangement Order or Prohibited Steps Order) as well as working with the relevant authorities. If your child has already been abducted, it is again crucial that you contact an experienced child abduction solicitor immediately, who will be able to swiftly begin the process of returning your child to your care.

Can I modify custody arrangements after an abduction?

After a child has been abducted, it is an understandably emotional time for everyone involved. Furthermore, it is possible to modify pre-existing child arrangements after an abduction but there is a complex legal process involved, which is why it is important to speak with an experienced solicitor beforehand.

It is first important for you to report the abduction to the relevant authorities. Then, with the assistance of a child abduction solicitor, you will need to apply to the court for a Child Arrangements Order. If you already have a Child Arrangements Order, you should apply to the court to make any necessary modifications.

Contact our child abduction solicitors

Our empathetic child abduction solicitors will treat your case with the utmost sensitivity and compassion, to speak to one of our team you can call our head office on 0117 939 0350 or email us at

Alternatively, you can contact our solicitors directly by emailing Sheldon Price, who is accredited on the child abduction Family Law panel at or Andy Kerese at