How can I speed up the Conveyancing process?

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How can I speed up the Conveyancing process?

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The most common question conveyancers are asked is "how long will the process take?"  It varies depending on which conveyancer you speak to although generally, you are looking at around 6-8 weeks if it is straightforward and 8-12 weeks if it is not.   For example, if the property is leasehold then it will take longer because a leasehold transaction is more complicated due to the fact that there is a managing agent/landlord that is involved.

The length of the process also depends on the number of parties involved in the process.  It is a good idea to get an idea from your selling agent as to how many parties are involved in the chain and if there are any complicated transactions or delayed completion dates.

There are however things that you can do to help speed up the process.  

To make this easy we have summarised this by suggesting that you are "SMART":

S - Seek a local expert.  By this, we mean seek a local expert who is specialised and experienced and has a greater understanding of the local market.  You need to know that you are dealing with the same person throughout the transaction and that you are able to contact them easily.

M - Make sure your documents are in order.  If you are selling a property, make sure you have to hand any paperwork relating to the property, for example, gas safety records, electrical safety checks, guarantees and details relating to any works carried out at the property such as extensions, solar panels, and replacement windows.

A - Ask questions.  If you are not sure of anything, ask. A conveyancing guide will be sent to you but take the time to understand the process and if there is anything you are unsure of then please ask.  If you have any specific enquiries about the property make sure you inform your conveyancer as soon as possible.

R - Return any paperwork to the conveyancer promptly.  Before a Conveyancer can commence any legal work they will need you return the initial paperwork that has been sent to you.  In addition to returning any paperwork to a conveyancer promptly, make sure you return any paperwork relating to any mortgage promptly.

T - Take the time to keep in touch.  Communicate with the estate agent and conveyancer as often as possible.  For example, if you are planning on going on holiday, communicate this early on in the transaction.

If you would like any assistance with regards to selling or buying your home, please do not hesitate to contact our conveyancing specialists who will be more than happy to assist you.
