Bedminster office
Fishponds office
Kingswood office
Dementia Action Week

The week of 21-27 May 2018 was Dementia Action Week and the emphasis this year was on taking action “to improve the everyday lives of people affected by dementia”. Our trainee solicitor, Lisa Morgan, who is also a Dementia Friends Champion, delivered three information sessions at a local care home in Bath, a local church group in Keynsham and also an open session at the Guildhall in Bath, as part of the Bath Dementia Action Alliance (“Bath DAA”).
In addition, Lisa also joined the Bath DAA with their information stall that they hosted in Bath centre last week, as part of their campaign to raise awareness. For more information about the Bath DAA and how you can get involved please click here, or contact Lisa directly.
We are very proud to support this worthy initiative set up by the Alzheimer’s Society in raising awareness of dementia and would like to congratulate Lisa in taking action last week as part of DAW2018 and in the process making Dementia Friends!
For further information, please contact us at