Weak points in the newly reformed SEND system

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Weak points in the newly reformed SEND system

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Speaking to MP’s on the Commons Education Select Committee, Baroness Warnock, who issued a report 40 years ago about services for children with special educational needs and disabilities needing to change, along with other key figures that led to the change in the SEND system in 2014 have given their ideas on how head teachers, Local Authorities and Ofsted could improve outcomes for children with special educational needs and can be summarised as:-

  • Smaller secondary schools;
  • Local Authorities to be more transparent about the reasons for refusing an Education, Health and Care Plan Assessment;
  • More joint working with education, health and social care;
  • Improvements to teacher training;
  • An improved Ofsted.

It seems that 40 years on from initial calls for reform, the system is still not truly meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Has anything really changed since 2014?

The Education Committee launched a new inquiry to review the success of the 2014 reforms, how they have been implemented, and what impact they are having in meeting the challenges faced by children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.  The new enquiry was launched in April 2018 and a response is expected shortly. We will keep you posted with any updates.

