Bedminster office
Fishponds office
Kingswood office
School Records

We receive a number of phone calls from parents who want to know if they can access their child’s school records. The answer is generally, yes.
If your child attends a maintained school, you have an independent right of access to your child’s educational record and you need to put your request in writing. The school records must be provided to you within 15 school days. There may be a charge for photocopying, which the school must inform you about upon receipt of your request. You have a right to access the records within the context of the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005.
If your child transfers to another school, their school record must be automatically transferred to the new school. You have a right to access the records within the context of the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005.
If your child attends an academy, independent or free school then you will need to check the school’s policy to ascertain whether you have a right of access to this information. The same legal right of access to information does not apply to academies, independent or free schools. You will need to check the school’s policy.