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School Exclusion
The Government has been seeking views and evidence on school exclusion practice as part of a review of school exclusions.
In 2015/16, 0.08% of children were permanently excluded from Local Authority maintained schools in England, although children with special educational needs are seven times more likely to be excluded than their peers who do not have special educational needs. Data also highlights that pupils from some ethnic backgrounds are disproportionately more likely to be excluded from school.
The review will look at practice in schools in relation to behaviour management and exclusions, considering the exclusion of groups of pupils that are identified as more at risk such as those who have special educational needs, looked after children and children in need. They will also explore the exclusions process in schools as well as the effectiveness and impact on pupils who are excluded.
Evidence indicates that exclusion results in worse, rather than better, outcomes for those children who are excluded. The review will aim to issue a report by the end of 2018.
We would remind parents that we see far too many unlawful exclusions. These are occasions when parents are called to collect their child early from school without a formal notification that this is an exclusion or when parents are asked to collect their child for the lunchtime period and then return them at the end of lunchtime for lessons. On other occasions, parents are asked to keep their children off school for “a few days” to allow them to have some space or they are placed on a part time timetable. These could be considered unlawful exclusions and parents should seek advice if this is happening to their child.