Transition from a Statement of SEN to an EHC Plan

Transition from a Statement of SEN to an EHC Plan

For children and young people with a Statement of SEN transferring from one phase of education to another the Local Authority must complete the transition review and EHC needs assessment and issue EHC Plans for that transfer by specific dates.

Children or young people transferring to a different phase of education or coming into Year 9 during 2016 or 2017 – the Local Authority must carry out and conclude any EHC needs assessment before 15th February in the year in which the transfer to a different phase of education takes place or by 31st March in the year in which the transfer to a different phase of education takes place when the transfer is to post-16 institutions.

All children and young people who currently have a Statement of SEN must have an EHC needs assessment and EHC Plan completed by 1st April 2018. This is the deadline that all Local Authority’s must comply with in order to transition all of their Statements of SEN.

Transfer to a different phase of education includes early years to school, infant to junior, primary to middle school, primary to secondary school, middle to secondary school, school to a post-sixteen institution.