Family Law

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Family Law


Women's experience of financial abuse and potential implications for Universal Credit

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A new report by the TUC and Women’s Aid – Women’s experience of financial abuse and potential implications for Universal Credit, published on 12th March 2015 – highlights...


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As many as 40% of children lose contact with their grandparents following parental separation. Grandparents often wrongly assume that they have ‘grandparents rights’ and have the legal right to see their grandchildren. This is not the case....

The government is considering introducing a law which will create a specific offence of domestic violence.

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Beverley Watkins, comments, “It is already a criminal offence to assault another person, we already have offences of assault, GBH etc. The real issue is the way domestic violence is treated by the police and the Courts. The police frequently, despite a...

Supervised Contact and Supported Contact

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In certain cases parents or the court might decide that there should be a period of supervised contact. It might be appropriate for there to be supervised contact for a number of reason such as the amount of time that has passed since a child has seen the...


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He has had no contact with the family since 2004 but the CSA have asked him to pay maintenance. A gay man from Essex who donated his sperm to enable a lesbian couple to have two children, but who was never named on their birth certificate and had no role in...

Case histories - Father's access to child

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The recent case of ‘S’ will make depressing reading for many fathers who are striving to have contact with their children. The background to the case is that S, aged 12, had been the subject of court proceedings almost continuously since 1999....

Unmarried couples should prepare for all eventualities

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Unmarried couples should prepare for all eventualities says Law Society The Law Society says unmarried couples are at risk if they don’t plan or prepare for all eventualities when co-habiting or combining assets. Following a recent case where a man...

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